An Inside Look
What can you look forward to in an Escape to the Page class?
- unexpected inspiration
- writing true rather than writing "well"
- an introduction to an element of the writing craft
- visuals and video to enrich the experience
- a shared list of related resources to explore and deepen your learning
Each group of writers quickly becomes more than a class—it becomes a community of writers who support one another through the generous act of listening.
Weekly 90-minute classes* are typically structured this way:
- 5-min. centering exercise
- Writing Rising (lifting a line from a poem I provide), write for
20 minutes
- Share work (optional)
- Divining Rod Writing Activity, write for 30 minutes, or so
Divining rods were used to find hidden sources of water. Similarly, these writing activities tap into underground currents, some of which we have never tapped, some of which have been flowing unnoticed for a long time, some we never knew where there.
- Share work (optional)
We don't critique work or give feedback.This is a generative class. You'll come away with material that you can return to on your own.
* The structure for the 2-hour Intro workshop is similar but there is more time allotted for each writing activity.
Time and time again I was surprised at what I had to say once I got started. Escape to the Page is exactly that: an escape, an outlet, a chance to tune out stress and just spend some time creating. I have taken the class twice now and look forward to the next round!
- s.b.
Listen to Kath read "Thistle Heart",
written in an Escape to the Page class